Protecting consumers & empowering builders for almost 80 years
Our membership is made up of some 8,500 companies across Canada. We’re home builders, renovators, trade contractors, developers, product and material manufacturers, building product suppliers, lending institutions, insurance providers, and service professionals.
The Canadian Home Builders’ Association-Newfoundland and Labrador (CHBA-NL) is the voice of the Province’s residential construction industry.
The CHBA-NL membership includes new home builders, renovators, developers, trade contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, lenders, and other professionals – the companies and people who provide Newfoundlanders and Labradorians with quality housing. Members commit to act with integrity and professionalism in all aspects of their company’s operations.
The CHBA-NL’s volunteer driven committees oversee the work of the Association in areas as diverse as technical and economic research, education and training, renovation, land development, the environment, and marketing. Through the voluntary efforts of its members, the CHBA-NL serves both consumers and producers of housing by promoting quality, affordability, and choice in housing for all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.
CHBA-NL members contribute real solutions and make positive changes that promote and protect the interests of the industry and consumers by working with municipal, provincial, and federal governments in the areas of labour market needs, government imposed costs, underground economy, and housing affordability.

The Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Newfoundland and Labrador (CHBA-NL) is an industry association whose members include new home builders, renovators, developers, trades, manufacturers, suppliers, lenders, government representatives and other industry related professionals.
The association is the voice of the industry advocating on behalf of members and consumers. The CHBA-NL offers support and services to members through fostering learning, encouraging excellence, and is committed to providing affordability and choice in housing for all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.
The Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Newfoundland and Labrador (CHBA-NL) is recognized as the voice of the residential construction industry in the province.
Our members are professionals involved in all aspects of new home construction and residential renovations, and are dedicated to the business of building affordable, quality homes.

- Members shall comply with the National Building Code of Canada as a minimum standard for construction and shall work towards its improvement in the interests of structural sufficiency, safety, and health.
- Members shall plan their sites and homes to conform to the principles of good community planning.
- Members shall deal justly with their employees, subcontractors, and supplier.
- Members shall deal honestly and fairly with their customers.
- Members shall cooperate to extend the effectiveness of the Association by exchanging information and experience, and encourage research on materials and techniques in order to provide the best value for their customers
- Members shall uphold the principle of appropriate and adequate compensation for the services they render.
- Members shall avoid all conduct or practice detrimental to the home building industry, to the Association, to the good name or reputation of any of its members, or to customers.
- These responsibilities are freely and solemnly assumed as they form part of an obligation as members.